Personal Injury Practice
We are First and Foremost Trial Lawyers
This presumption is critical in how we handle cases. Our practice varies significantly from many other personal injury lawyers, who may not engage in certain aspects of trial preparation until it appears that a trial is imminent. As experienced trial lawyers, we believe that we are in a far better position to obtain full compensation for our clients, as defendants and their counsel will know that we are ready for trial, and that we will not hesitate to take our client’s case to trial if a full and acceptable settlement is not forthcoming.
We Do Not Seek Quick Settlements
The maximum value of personal injury cases is developed through painstaking work, including retaining accident constructionists and engineers, conferring with physicians and medical providers, determining lost wages through vocational and wage experts, deposing opposing parties, serving interrogatories, and building cases step-by-step.
Defendants and their insurance companies (who are often the ones that will be paying significant amounts) are virtually never willing to settle high-value cases early in the process. Put simply, the more damages that are at stake, the more incentive that defendants will have to vigorously contest liability and damages.

Catastrophic Injury and Seeking Compensation for Future Damages
We only accept personal injury cases in which severe catastrophic injury or death has resulted. The reason for this limited focus is that our office and personal injury practice have been deliberately structured around representing plaintiffs in complex injury cases in which both past and future damages are substantial and are likely to be vigorously contested.
It’s important to understand the significant difference in the complexity of a personal injury case when future damages are at stake (including future surgeries, rehabilitation, lost wages, and potentially a lifetime of care) and cases in which the injuries may be fully healed (or not likely to get worse), and an injured person who has returned to work. In this second situation, the claims for economic damages (such as lost wages and medical expenses) are typically fixed, so no medical, lost wage, or vocational experts are needed to opine as to future damages.
The personal injury cases that we accept almost always involve significant:
Future pain and suffering
Future surgeries and medical costs
Lost wages, which can result from a decreased ability to work, and many times the inability to ever work again
Future costs for healthcare

Determining the value of lost wages
Often, the injuries to our clients will result in a lifetime of impaired earnings as the result of not being able to ever function at the level prior to the injury. In many cases, our clients may not ever be able to work again.
In these cases, we rely on leading forensic accountants to provide concrete opinions as to the lost earnings that our client would have otherwise earned had they not been injured. These experts must consider matters such as the client’s current position and wages at the time of their injury, and determine a likely set of wages that the client would have earned over the remainder of their working lifetime, which would necessarily include matters such as raises and promotions.
Determining the value of future medical care expenses & pain and suffering
Similar to forecasting lost wages, we also retain and rely upon leading medical and cost experts to forecast the future medical and care expenses for our clients, as well as the future pain and suffering that they will likely endure. In many cases, such as those involving burn injuries, a client’s initial injury will only be the start of a long treatment process, which may include many surgeries and associated pain and suffering.

Obtaining Full Compensation
Injury victims will have only one opportunity to seek full compensation through a settlement or at trial. Thus the opinions of physicians, health care providers, and other experts are critical in ensuring that comprehensive and legally-supportable demands for full compensation are made, which will fully support our clients for the often catastrophic costs (and for the pain and suffering) they may experience for their injuries for the remainder of their life.
Representative Personal Injury Verdicts and Settlements
When we secure results for clients at trial, we can report them. However, when we settle cases, the defendants almost always require a confidentiality provision so that we cannot disclose specific details of these cases. However, we can describe some of those generally.
$12 Million
in a wrongful death settlement
$7 Million
recovery in brain injury claim for child.
$6 Million
​settlement for wrongful death
$7.25 Million
plaintiff’s verdict at trial for wrongful death of a 7-year old boy in swimming pool.
Other personal injury litigation verdicts and settlements:
Plaintiff’s verdict for $5.25 million against a pool operator for a wrongful death of a 7-year-old boy in swimming pool
Settlement for $5 million in a wrongful death case during trial in a trucking accident
Settlement for $4.25 million before trial in semi-truck/car collision, wrongful death
Settlement for $5 million for brain injury in a trucking accident case
Aggregate settlement of $7.75 million for brain injured infant in a products and premises liability case
Settlement for $3 million for a brain injured client
Settlement for $7.5 million for a single victim in a national food poisoning outbreak
Settlement for $4 million for a single victim in a national food poisoning outbreak after a jury trial
Settlement for $1.2 million for a single victim injury in motorcycle/truck collision

Full Service Representation
Through taking on a limited caseload, we are able to devote our full time and attention to our clients. If we take your case, our attorneys are available to talk to you.
We typically advance all costs on behalf of clients, such as court costs, deposition costs and expert costs. As a result, you will not need to be concerned with paying us or paying any of these other costs as your case progresses.
If you are not able to come to our office, we will come to you. At our office, you will never be thought of as a “file.”